Dear Dad,
Hey Dad I am back in Russia... It's now 1935. Lenin's sudden death in 1924 made it like whoaaa for communists. Joseph Djugashvili... whom changed his name to Mister Joseph Stalin (man of steel). The soviets.... Stalin... = blehk... the soviet union, when government officials can make basic decisions. Stalin forced peasants to give their private land and forcing them to live on state-owned farms or collectives. 

Stalin. [picture 3]
Stalin had this most beast of a plan to destroy the kulaks, wealthy peasants. Eventually their land was confiscated and the rich poor dudes were sent off to labor camps where thousands were killed or died from being overworked. Stalin (and Lenin) wanted to bring about the worldwide revolution Karl Marx spoke of, but being from Russia he wanted to guarantee nationwide security. But security is hard if a worldwide revolution is about... soooo what to doooo what to doo!? I don't know that but I do know I still don't want to be present in Russia.

Marxists. [picture 4]
Oh my! Stalin's a guy you really don't want to cross. I guess you could say he ruled with a steel fist. It kind of makes you wonder how he could have so many fans...